Research & Design Services Package

We know you have a full schedule. Allow our travel advisors to help you by taking on the details of your vacation planning. We will work with you for a hassle- free experience. We make it so you can truly just pack while we plan!



No two families are the same, and when you work with our travel advisors, your vacation will reflect your family’s personality and desires. We take the time to truly get to know you and your family. Our itineraries are in-depth, detailed, and customized for your family. No two itineraries are alike.


Expertise and Relationships

Our knowledge and first-hand experience with destinations around the world helps us determine which is the perfect fit for your family. You do not have to spend hours combing through online resources, many of which are not as described. Your travel advisor is a professionally trained expert in their areas of specialization. Our expertise saves you time and money. Our relationships with our travel partners benefit you with value added perks along the way. We leverage our relationships to benefit you.


Peace of Mind

Your travel advisor will guide you through all aspects of the vacation process. We handle every detail from the time you leave your home to the time you return. We take care of all of your reservations, excursions, tours, transportation, and other aspects you might have missed without our travel advisors’ careful preparation. We answer your calls and texts and you always know the person you are working with. And, while we certainly hope nothing goes wrong, if a problem arises, your travel advisor will be there to help. We are your advocate and true advisor.

Package Price

Every vacation we plan comes with our Research & Design Services Package. The price is $250-$500 for most single family vacations, with the average price being $300. Multi-Family and Group Travel package prices may vary. Your travel advisor will go over this package during your initial consultation and will invoice you via a Square link from You Pack, We Plan. We spend a great deal of time on our vacation proposals for you to make sure they are as close to perfect as possible. We will collect the Research & Design Fee prior to sending you the proposal.